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Friday, December 9, 2011

Create a Gadget Hidden

In order to save space on your blog page or gadgets such as flags you've got a hidden counter, is very easy. as an example of which is owned  
FlagCounter gadgets hidden. If you want to create a hidden gadget follow these steps below:
You only need to copy and paste and replace with your gadgets FlagCounter.
Consider the example of the HTML / JavaScript code

<div id="spoiler" style="display:none">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="free counters" border="0" /></a>
<button title="Click to show/hide content" type="button" onclick="if(document.getElementById('spoiler') .style.display=='none') {document.getElementById('spoiler') .style.display=''}else{document.getElementById('spoiler') .style.display='none'}">Show/hide</button>
Showing gadget before clicked
Showing gadget after clicked
Before making this gadget go to your blog Click the Design will lead to a new tab and then click Layout again you must select Add Gadget, please select which parts you like, both left and right or down. As you can see on this blog, GeoCounter located on the left front of you. Paste the code on the page Configure HTML / JavaScript code after you paste click SAVE, and see the results. If you are interested to see the visit to have your blog please copy the HTML / JavaScript below, then paste in your blog gadget.

Configure HTML / JavaScript code
Important to you, you have to replace, and note the code HTML / JavaScript on top of the marked blue replace with your GeoCounter and red markings Show / Hide whatever name what would you write for titles.

Hopefully useful for you good luck,,,,

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